HSRT Programme Details

About The Course
The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is pleased to announce short job oriented hospitality courses in the trades of: While there is no course fee, students would be paid stipend of Rs. 2000/- for 8 Weeks Course, and Rs. 1500/- for 6 Weeks Course upon attaining minimum 90% attendance and after the completion of the course, Test would be conducted and certificates will be awarded. The program is likely to start shortly. Interested persons may apply in the format available at the Institute.

Name of Course
Minimum Education al Qualificati on requiredDuration of Training (by Training Provider
+ On-the- Job Training
Minimum Pass % required for CertificationMinimum attendance
%required for Certification
Age Group
Multi Cuisine Cook8th Class Pass740 Hours
(500 Hours + 240Hours
70%80%Above 18+
F&B Service – Steward10th Class Pass540 Hours
(300 Hours + 240Hours
60%80%Above 18+
Room Attendant5th Class Pass540 Hours
(300 Hours + 240Hours OJT)
60%80%Above 18+
Front office Associate12th Class Pass580 Hours
(340 Hours + 240Hours
60%80%Above 18+