As admission season draws near and your budding college goer is struggling with all the university options in order to make a decision on one that can change his whole life, here is how a parent can help their child choose the right university. Sure, making the decision can be difficult, but he will do the right thing with some help from you.

Converse with him and steer him gently
In the initial phase of decision making, the student will be confused and there might be instances where he is overwhelmed because of the numerous options in front of him and the vulnerable mind that gets influence from peer views, or from having more than one career options. In such times, talk to him and ask him what his areas of interest are, which academic program he feels is best for him, Whether he wants to study close to home or move to a different location on his own. Asking these questions will give him something to ponder over and introspect on the different aspects of the decision. Letting him think over it and talking to him will slowly give him a clear direction and make you seem approachable with any roadblocks he is facing.
Take him on a campus visit
Once he has decided which program he wants to join and has narrowed the potential universities down, you can accompany him to some of them and interact with the professors, students and see the campus for yourself. This will help him take a decision fast because both of you can make informed choices, and usually by the end of the tour it is pretty obvious if that is the best university for your child

Discuss academic finances
How much college education costs is also a deciding factor in choosing the college. Your child might decide on a college, but when it comes to the money to be invested, he will look to you.
Some universities will be struck off from the list because of the costs. Once a college has been decided, even though it is out of your estimated budget, the decision of taking an academic loan will also depend on you.
Reach out to the University alumni
Once you have almost zeroed in on the university, help your child to reach out to the alumni of the university. Connect with other parents, people in your contacts and trace any alumni of the university in question who can answer any query of your child from experience and also help you be assured that it is the best university for him.

Understand that it’s the child’s decision
The best thing you can do as a parent is to be supportive of your child’s career choices. Help your child take his own decision but do not pressurize him into joining any particular university that you deem fit. Be a partner in the decision, not a dominant factor.
When your child has finally reached a decision on the place for his future academic ventures, celebrate it and motivate him towards his life at the campus of his choice.