Engineers are versatile professionals who are employed in different fields and enjoy a successful career. A career in engineering is however built on the foundation of knowledge and skill. The CV Raman Global University constantly educates and trains its students in different disciplines of engineering so that they become the pioneers of a successful professional career in their future.
One of the subdisciplines and core subjects of engineering that the CV Raman Global University offers is electrical engineering. Electricity is crucial for living and lifestyle today. It is equally important for the smooth operation of industrial and commercial units. Industries and businesses therefore, seek the services of electrical engineers. When an electrical engineer is employed in the industry, irrespective of the nature of the industry, they fulfil some common duties that are expected from an electrical engineer.
Here are the responsibilities that electrical engineers shoulder at work-
- Performing circuit analysis-
Circuit analysis is an important duty of an electrical engineer when he designs a circuit. Circuits are the basic pathways of electricity on which electronics and electrical frameworks are based. They are used in nearly every industrial system and production process. Circuit analysis involves the figuring out of electrical quantities involved in the plan and functioning of a circuit and requires the problem-solving abilities of a versatile electrical engineer. An electrical engineer figures out the quantities in a circuit when planning the internal circuits of a system. From simple electrical circuits to complex electrical systems that involve multiple circuits organised in a network, electrical engineers analyse different circuits involved in different industrial systems. This helps them in designing and creating new circuits that are stable and efficient with a controlled flow of electricity.
- Working with operational amplifiers-
An operational amplifier is an incorporated circuit that can enhance weak electric signals into powerful ones. An operational amplifier has two information pins and one yield pin. Its essential job is to intensify and yield the voltage distinction between the two info pins. An operational amplifier isn’t utilized alone but is intended to be associated with different circuits to play out an incredible assortment of tasks. At the point when an operational amplifier is joined with an amplification circuit, it can enhance frail signs to solid signals. It carries on like a bull horn where the information signal is an individual’s voice and the amplifier is the operational intensifier circuit. By working as a channel of information signals, the operational amplifier circuit can remove the sign with the objective recurrence. An operational amplifier circuit can be changed to play out a wide scope of capacities, for example, arithmetical tasks or sign combination. The amplifier is a versatile electrical component that can be used as an amplifier, an integrator and a signal conditioner. As professionals, electrical engineers are expected to know how to work with operational amplifiers in circuits.
- Understanding the application of analog filters–
Analog filters are circuits made of simple parts, for example, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and operation amps. Analog filters are genuinely basic but increase in their complexity is also possible. Analog filters might not be needed in every electrical system development but familiarity and understanding of the electrical system is crucial to the job role of an electrical engineer. From digital filters to analog filters different filters are used in circuits. It is important that electrical engineers are well versed with the use of analog filters in electrical networks so that they can design different electrical networks and products that have diverse uses in industries.
- Capable of designing digital filters–
Today, the world is becoming increasingly digital. This means that every other electronic device and electrical system is digital in design. It is therefore necessary that electrical engineers are well acquainted with the applications of digital filters in designing electrical systems and know where to incorporate these digital filters in the design of circuits. Digital filters can be more exact in sifting, yet the sign should be computerized. Setting up a digital channel in an analog signal chain would require the analog sign to be changed over to a digital signal before the advanced filters could be applied and, with any transformation, there are compromises in signal quality and reliability. Digital filters work by oversampling and averaging, and are programmable. Yet, it is a judicious step to apply an analog filter preceding signal transformation so all undesirable frequencies above or underneath where the ideal sign is sensibly expected to work are taken out first. The change cycle and picking an analog to digital converter (ADC) is in itself a cautious interaction that includes picking an examining rate that will evade associating during transformation. This is on the grounds that an associated signal is ambiguous to a digital filter and hence the associated segments of the signal would turn into a perpetual piece of digital signal.
Today, from phones to radio, everything has shifted to the digital spectrum. It is therefore necessary for electrical engineers to be adept at applying digital filters in designing new circuits and electrical systems.
From wireless communication devices to other digital devices, the use of digital filters is extensive and electrical engineers deal with digital filters everyday at work.
- Designing feedback control of devices-
Electronic devices like air conditioners, automatic cars and other advanced electronics depend on feedback control systems designed by electrical engineers. Electrical engineers are entrusted with the responsibility to create and maintain the uniformity of the feedback control systems in electronic devices. The effectivity and stability of feedback control systems all depend on the skill of the electrical engineer designing them. Feedback Systems measure signals and as such are signal processors. The handling part of a feedback control framework might be electrical or electronic, going from an exceptionally easy to a profoundly mind-boggling circuit.
Basic analog feedback control circuits can be built by utilizing individual or discrete parts, for example, semiconductors, resistors and capacitors. They can be built by utilizing chip based and integrated circuits (IC’s) to frame more intricate digital feedback control frameworks. Feedback systems are helpful and broadly utilized in enhancer circuits, oscillators, measure control frameworks just like other electronic frameworks. However, for a feedback system to be a powerful instrument it should be controlled as an uncontrolled framework will either fluctuate or fail to work.
- Managing hot components of electrical systems–
the use of an electrical system emits heat as an output and overheating of an electrical system and the consequent damage of the circuit components are somethings that electrical engineers have to deal with using their problem solving and critical thinking skills. The electrical systems that are used today are very complex and are made of many different advanced components. With the rise in the use of these electrical systems and the increase of human dependency on these systems, electrical engineers are designing more heat efficient electrical systems that have integrated cooling components in them so that the circuits remain stable and long lasting.
- Working with the radio frequency–
Radio frequency spectrum was not something the electrical engineers used to deal with previously. But the advent of IOT devices and the rise of wireless connectivity has made radio frequency an important part of the field electrical engineers deal with. Understanding the transmission process of radio frequency signals and the use of radio frequency signals to design wireless and IOT devices is a crucial responsibility of electrical engineers.
- Understanding the importance of the right hardware–
Designing and building new electrical systems needs a balance of hardware and software in the modern engineering industry. Today, even though the importance of smart software is increasing, hardware is equally important for electrical designing and creations. This is why, electrical engineers have a deep understanding and appreciation of good hardware that can be used to lay down versatile and highly functional electrical systems. Electrical engineers have the responsibility of knowing which hardware is needed for which circuit design and using the correct hardware in design and creation of new electrical systems. Hardware will always be a requirement in the field and applications of electrical engineering and an electrical engineer aptly uses different types of hardware in the creation of electrical system.
- Using statistics to predict the functionality of an electrical system–
Once an electrical circuit is designed, its functionality has to be determined by the electrical design engineer. Electrical engineers are trained to use probability and statistics to predict the functionality of such systems in different environments and different kinds of stresses. This is a mathematical aspect of electrical engineering and is used to determine the feasibility of a certain designed circuit and system. Today, electrical systems are used in different settings in different types of surrounding conditions. The electrical and electronics systems that are functional even in a changing environment and withstand all weather conditions are preferred by people. It is therefore more important that electrical engineers test the prototype of an electrical system under different conditions and use the laws of statistics to improve on them before going for the final design and concept.