Dr. Ranjita Mohanty
Department of Chemical Engineering

Under Graduate
Post Graduate
Name of the Author(s) | Title of the paper | Name of Journal |
Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Babli Varsha, Pratap Pattnaik | Application of Bioleaching to Recover Value-Added Product from partially Laterised Khondalite Rocks: A Bauxite Mining Waste | Journal of The Institution of Engineers : Series D, Springer Nature, Online Published: 20 February 2022, PP 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40033-021-00323-9. |
Sunita Routray, Rupambika Mohanty, Ranjita Swain, Silani Sahu & B. R. Mishra | Preparation and Characterisation of Zirconia Nano-materials Prepared From Zircon Minerals of Brahmagiri Coast | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E,2021, (Scopus) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40034-020-00201-1 impact factor :1.11 |
Sunita Routray, Raghupatruni Bhima Rao and Ranjita Swain | An Approach to Set Up a Mobile Commercial Mineral Separation Plant for Recovery of Additional Values from Beach Sand Mineral Separation Plant Tailings | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D,2021, (Scopus) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40033-021-00255-4 impact factor :1.43 |
Sunita Routray , Vishal Agarwal, Ranjita Swain and Rudra Narayan Mohapatro | Preparation and Evaluation of PCMs by Macro Encapsulation for Solar Energy Storage" submitted for publication in | Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering, 2021, vol.12. (Scimago) DOI : 10.2174/2405520414666210203221818 impact factor :0.88 |
Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain and SunitaRoutray | Recovery of Valuable Materials from Bauxite Mining Waste for Industrial Application | Materials Science Forum, 2020, 978, 537-542. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.978.537 (Scimago) impact factor :0.48 |
SunitaRoutray, Ranjita Swain andRudra Narayan Mohapatro | Studies on Recovery of Industrial Heavy Minerals from Lean Deposits ofBrahmagiri Coast of Odisha, India | Materials Science Forum, 2020, 978, 532-536. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.978.532 (Scimago) impact factor :0.48 |
SunitaRoutray and, Ranjita Swain | Effect of Chemical Additives on Reduction in Mill Power During Continuous Grinding of Chromite Overburden Materials in a Tumbling Mill: A Case Study | J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2019) 100(1):123–128. DOI: 10.1007/s40033-018-0170-7 (Scopus) impact factor :1.43 |
Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray and Rudra Narayan Mohapatro | Optimisation of process parameter using Response SurfaceMethodology to recover ceramic materials from bauxite mining waste rocks | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018),doi:10.1088/1757-899X/338/1/012012 |
SunitaRoutray, Ranjita Swain and TumulaLaxmi | Recovery of Heavy Minerals from Brahmagiri Deposit, Odisha using Gravity Table | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (July 2018), doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012084 |
PrabhakaraSethi, Rudra Narayan,Ranjita Swain Mohanty, Mohapatro, S.K.Seet, R.Nagarajan and G G Roy | Study on Spontaneous Combustion of Boiler Grade Coal andOptimization of Consumption at RINL | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018), doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012086. |
Ranjita Swain, SunitaRoutray, AbhisekMohapatra and BiswaRanjanPatra | Industrial application of valuable materials generated from PLK rock-a bauxite mining waste | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 338 (2018) 012049 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/338/1/012049. |
SunitaRoutray, JagadeeswariVanamu and Ranjita Swain | Placer deposits of Brahmagiri coast, Odisha - a new resource for industrial heavy minerals | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 338 (2018) 012012 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/338/1/012012. |
SunitaRoutrayand Ranjita Swain | Scope for beneficiation of heavy minerals in the state of Odisha, India | MOJ Mining and Metallurgy, 2018, 62-64. |
Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Application of response surface methodology on leaching of iron from partially laterisedkhondalite rocks - a bauxite mining waste | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D, DOI 10.1007/s40033-017-0144-1, August 2017. |
SunitaRoutray , Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Optimization of Mineral Separator for Recovery of Total Heavy Minerals of Bay of Bengal Using Central Composite Design | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D, Springer DOI: 10.1007/s40033-015-0101-9, 2017, Vol. 98, No. 1, pp. 119-130. |
Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro,SunitaRoutray and Ranjan R Pradhan | Design with simulation on the separation of ethanol from water and ethanol azeotropic mixture using Chemcad software | Advanced Science Letters, accepted ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317, 2016, 22, 551-554. |
Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro and R Bhima Rao | Application of ANOVA on fly ash leaching kinetics for value addition | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D, Metallurgical & Materials and Mining Engineering, ISSN 2250- 2122, DOI 10.1007/s40033 015-0081-9, 2015, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp. 1-9. |
R. N. Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Ranjan R Pradhan | A Synergetic Effect of Vegetative Waste and Cow Dung on Bio Gas Production | International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 2014, 4(11), pp. 184-190, |
Ranjita Swain and R.Bhima Rao | An Approach for Energy Conservation on Partially Laterised Khondalite Rocks using Thermal Shock Treatment | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 5, May (2014), pp.83-90. |
LaduKishorBisoyi, Ranjita Swain and R Bhima Rao | Response Surface Methodology to Assess an Ecofriendly Approach for Utilization of Berhampur City Municipal Solid Waste | International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue 2, August 2013, pp. 470-478. |
LaduKishorBisoyi, Ranjita Swain and R Bhima Rao | Computer Applications to Assess City Municipal Solid Waste for Better Utilization: A Case Study on Internationally Recognized Pilgrimage City,Puri, Odisha, India | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 2 Issue 8, August – 2013, ISSN: 2278-0181. |
Ranjita Swain and R.Bhima Rao | Kinetic study on leaching of iron in Partially Laterised Khondalite rocks for ceramic industrial applications | International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2012, Vol. 112–113, pp. 77–83. DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2012.06.003 |
Ranjita Swain and R.Bhima Rao | Beneficiation studies on bauxite mining waste: a value addition for refractory industries | Iranian Journal of Material Science and Engineering, 2012,Vol. 8, No.3, pp. 37-49. http://ijmse.iust.ac.ir/article-1-380-en.html |
Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Alternative approaches for determination of bond work index on soft and friable partially laterisedkhondalite rocks of bauxite mine waste materials | International Journal of Minerals, Materials Characterisation and Engineering, Vol. 8, Nos. 9, 2009, p 729-743. DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2009.89063 |
Ranjita Swain, Danda Srinivas Rao, Nallusamy Vasumathi, Rajalaxmi Mohapatra and Raghupatruni Bhima Rao | Characterisation of Partially Lateritised Khondalite rock for value-added materials | Int. J. Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2009 p 383-396. DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2009.029321 |
Ranjita Swain, R.Bhima Rao and Nikkam Suresh | Effect of screen deck angle on recovery of value added materials from partially laterisedkhondaliterocks | Mining Engneers’ Journal, 2009, Vol. 11, No. 5, p27 -30. |
Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Grindability studies of partially laterisedkhondalite rocks generated from the bauxite mine | The Indian Mining Engineering Journal, 2009, 48, 6, 29-32 |
Ranjita Swain, N. Vasumathiand R. Bhima Rao | Reduction on magnetic discolouring mineral impurities from kaolin clay using high intensity and high gradient magnetic separators | AT AufbereitungsTechnik – Mineral Processing, 50, January 2009, No. 1-2, pp 36-44. |
Ranjita Swain, ShivakumarAngadi, S.K. Singh and R. Bhima Rao | Characterisation of mullites prepared from kaolin clay and partially laterisedkhondalite rocks | Journal of Metals, Materials and Processes, Vol. 20, No.3, 2008, pp. 241 - 248. |
Ashok Kumar Sahoo,Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Applications of static screens for recovery of placer values from spiral tailings | The Jr. of Solid Waste Technology and Management, USA., No.32, March 2006, p109-119. |
R. Bhima Rao and Ranjita Swain | Recovery of graphite values from carboniferous kaolinite clay of Easternghats for use in refractory applications | The Jr. of World Ceramics and Refractories, England, UK. Vol.17, No.5, Oct. 2006, p6-9. |
Ranjita Swain, U. S. Nandigrami and R. Bhima Rao | China clay mining and processing in orissa | Journal of Mines and Minerals Reporter, Vol. 3, No. 7, December 2006, p 13-20. |
Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Application of static screens in the screening of bulk materials containing very fine size kaolin clay | 47th annual technical journal of IEI, Orissa State Center-22nd, Jan, 2006, p235-242. |
Name of the Author(s) | Title of the paper | Name of Journal |
Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro and Sunita Routray | Waste Management on Used Plastic and Fly ashin application of Road making for Rural Areas in Odisha State | Evolutionary Manufacturing, Design and Operational Practices for Sustainability, ICEMDOPS-2022, 20. |
Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swainand Sunita Routray | Design of a Binary Distillation column to increase the naphthalene yield in tar Distillation Plant of a Steel Plant | Evolutionary Manufacturing, Design and Operational Practices for Sustainability,31. |
Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Dr.Ranjita Swain, Smitali Gouda and Hayeemabati Nandan Panigrahy | Extraction of Silica From Rice Husk | Evolutionary Manufacturing, Design and Operational Practices for Sustainability,32. |
R. N. Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray and PrabhakarSethi, | Design of a Binary Distillation column to increase the naphthalene yield in tar Distillation Plant | 74th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers,CHEMCON-2021, CSIR-IMMT, December 27 – 30th, 2021, pp – 91-96. |
Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray, , | Bauxite Mining Waste: A Source for Valuable Materials for Industrial Applications | Second International Conference On Materials And Technologies, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering with Department of Mechanical Engineering, Material Tech 2022, 28th –29th January,2022, pp 98, Paper I.D.: MT2022-MM37. |
SunitaRoutray Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | A Study on Heavy Mineral Distribution Pattern along Brahmagiri Coast of Odisha, India and its Beneficiation to Recover Industrial Minerals | ICETMIE 2019,10-11October2019,Northcap University, Gurgaon |
Ranjita Swain SunitaRoutray R. Bhima Rao | Novel Technolgy on Recovery of Ceramic Materials from Partially LaterisedKhondalite Rocks-A Bauxite Mining Waste | ICETMIE 201910-11October2019,Northcap University, Gurgaon |
SunitaRoutray Ranjita Swain , R. N. Mohapatra and Rupambika Mohanty | Effect of Magnetic Separation on Recovery of Ilmenite from Placer Mineral Sand | ICPCM 2019, 12-14 December 2019, NIT, Rourkela |
R.N.Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, SunitaRoutray, PrabhakarSethi&BiswaRanjanPatro | Separation Efficiency Optimisation of Tolune-Benzene Fraction using Binary Distillation Column | ICPCM 2019, 12-14 December 2019, NIT, Rourkela |
Ranjita Swain, SunitaRoutray, PratapPattnaik and BabliVarsha | Application of Bioleaching to Recover Value Added Product from Partially LateriasedKhondalite Rocks | ICPCM 2019, 12-14 December 2019, NIT, Rourkela |
Rudra Narayan Mohapatra, Ranjita Swain, SunitaRoutray and SatyabrataMohanta | Recovery of Valuable Materials from Bauxite Mining Waste for Industrial Application | International Conference on Processing andCharacterization of Materials, (ICPCM –2018), December 06 –08, 2018, 31. |
SunitaRoutray, Ranjita Swain, SmrutiSnigdhaPatro, Rudra Narayan Mahapatro | Studies on recovery of industrial heavy minerals from lean deposits of Brahmagiri coast of Odisha, India | International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials, (ICPCM –2018), December 06 –08, 2018, 33. |
PrabhakaraSethi, R. N. Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain Mohanty, S.K.Seet R.Nagarajan, G G Roy | Study on Spontaneous Combustion of Boiler Grade Coal and Optimization of Consumption at RINL | 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Materials for Manufacturing (ICAAMM-2018), 13th and 14th July 2018, 1-5. |
SunitaRoutray, Ranjita Swain and TumulaLaxmi | Recovery of Heavy Minerals from Brahmagiri Deposit, Odisha using Gravity Table | 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Materials for Manufacturing (ICAAMM-2018), 13th and 14th July 2018, 1-11. |
Ranjita Swain Mohanty, SunitaRoutray and Rudra Narayan Mohapatro | Optimisation of process parameter using Response Surface Methodology to recover ceramic materials from bauxite mining waste rocks | 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Materials for Manufacturing (ICAAMM-2018), 13th and 14th July 2018, 1-7. |
Ranjita Swain, SunitaRoutray, AbhisekMohapatra and BiswaRanjanPatra | Industrial Application of Valuable MaterialsGenerated from PLK Rock-A Bauxite MiningWaste | 7th National Conference onProcessing And Characterization Of Materials, (NCPCM –2017) December 08 –09, 2017, 1-7 |
SunitaRoutray, JagadeeswariVanamuand Ranjita Swain | Placer deposits of Brahmagiri coast, Odisha - a new resourcefor industrial heavy minerals | 7th National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials, (NCPCM –2017), December 08 –09, 2017, 1-7 |
SunitaRoutray and Ranjita Swain | Magnetic Separation Tree Analysis: A Study on Beach Sand Minerals | International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology 2017, IIME, 2017, XIV, 593-598. |
Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain and Sunita Routray | Synthesis of copperphthalocynines catalyst used in merox process and simulating the process unit for sweetening of fuel using CHEMCAD | International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology 2017, IIME, 2017, XIV, 593-598. |
Ranjita Swain, SunitaRoutray and R Bhima Rao | Application of response surface methodology onMagnetic separation studies for removal of iron oxide from Partially Laterised Khondalite rocks | International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology 2017, IIME, 2017, XIV, 593-598. |
Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro and SunitaRoutray | Flowsheet development for generation of Mineral Water | Annual Technical-2017, IEI-OSC IEI-OSC, 2017, 58, 140-144 |
Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro and SunitaRoutray | Computer Aided Design in Engineering | Technical Annual Session, IEI in 14th February 2016, organized by Chemical Engineering Division, IEI, Odisha State Center, p. 65. |
Ranjita SwainandSunitaRoutray | Evaluation of Curcumin content from Turmeric of different regions of Odisha | National Seminar on Technology Advancement in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing , Bhubaneswar in 12th-13th September 2015, organized by Chemical Engineering Division, IEI, Odisha State Center, p. 26. |
R. N. Mohapatro and Ranjita Swain | Simulation and Optimisation of Azeotropic distillation for ethanol separation using Chemcad software | National Seminar on Technology Advancement in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing , Bhubaneswar in 12th-13th September 2015, organized by Chemical Engineering Division, IEI, Odisha State Center, p. 117. |
Kumar BibekAnand and Ranjita Swain | Production of gasoline from organic and food waste | National Seminar on Technology Advancement in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing , Bhubaneswar in 12th-13th September 2015, organized by Chemical Engineering Division, IEI, Odisha State Center, p. 30. |
Dr.Ranjita Swain, Ranjan R. Pradhan | Modeling of heat emission in coal based | Carbon sequestration seminar 2015 entitled on “Scope of Algae based technology for carbon capture and potential of technology at pilot plant of NALCO, CPP”, CSS/15-26, 2015, p. 31. |
Ranjita SwainandSunitaRoutray | Removal of iron from fly ash for ceramic and refractory applications | National Seminar on ‘Recent Developments in Composite and Nano Materials’in 7-8th February 2015, by HiTech Engineering College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, p. 15. |
SunitaRoutray and Ranjita Swain | Development of an experimental setup for locating center of gravity of any 3-D rigid body | National Seminar on ‘Recent Developments in Composite and Nano Materials’in 7-8th February 2015, by HiTech Engineering College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, p. 21. |
Ranjita SwainandSunitaRoutray | Characterisation of the activated carbon prepared from coconut shell for starch hydrolysis | International conference on mineral processing technology-MPT 2014/2015, p. 53. |
Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain and Sunita Routray | Design of a suitable set up for optimizing the separation efficiency of ethanol using CHEMCAD | International conference on mineral processing technology-MPT 2014/2015, p. 275. |
SunitaRoutray, Ranjita Swain and R Bhima Rao | Odisha coastal zircon recovery, characterization and value addition | International conference on mineral processing technology-MPT 2014/2015, p. 261. |
SunitaRoutray, Ranjita Swain and R Bhima Rao | Metallographic and microstructural study important tools for analysis | International conference on mineral processing technology-MPT 2014/2015, p. 54. |
R. N. Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain and Sunita Routray | Design of a suitable set up for optimising the separation efficiency of ethanol using CHEMCAD | International Conference on Mineral Processing Technology organised by IIME & Andhra University, 2014, 12th-14th March., p. 275. |
Ranjita Swain, R N Mohapatro and SunitaRoutray | Judicial compositions of stone waste and fly ash for economic housings | 56th Annual Technical Session in IEI, Odisha State Center, 2014, p. 60. |
Ranjita Swain and SunitaRoutray | Overview of beach sand industries in world | National Seminar on ‘Science & Technology for Human Development’ On the occasion of the 17th Odisha Bigyan Congress- 2014, Organized by: Indian Science Congress Association – Bhubaneswar Chapter Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar Orissa Environmental Society, p. 168. |
Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, SunitaRoutray and Ranjan R Pradhan | Design with simulation on the separation of ethanol from water and ethanol azeotropic mixture using chemcad software | National Seminar on ‘Science & Technology for Human Development’ On the occasion of the 17th Odisha Bigyan Congress -2014, Organized by: Indian Science Congress Association – Bhubaneswar Chapter Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar Orissa Environmental Society, p. 180,. |
Ranjita Swain, SunitaRoutray and Rudra Narayan Mohapatra | Utilisation of fly ash as a raw material for ceramic industries-a case study | Proceedings of Mineral Processing Technology-2013, organized by IMMT, Bhubaneswar, |
Ranjita Swain, SunitaRoutray and R Bhima Rao | Grindability characterization study on Partially Laterised Khondalite Rocks- a bauxite mining waste | National Conference on development in Mechanical Engineering – an Impact on Ecology and Enviornment, Organised by REC, Bhubanewar, AICTE, New Dwlhi, OES, Bhubaneswar, ISCA, Bhubaneswar and ISTE Chapter, 2013 p. 56-61. |
SunitaRoutray and Ranjita Swain | Response of beach sands to mineral separator | National Conference on development in Mechanical Engineering – an Impact on Ecology and Enviornment, Organised by REC, Bhubanewar, AICTE, New Dwlhi, OES, Bhubaneswar, ISCA, Bhubaneswar and ISTE Chapter, 2013 p. 68-74. |
Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Effect of thermal shock treatment on comminution of Partially LateritisedKhondalite rocks | Proceedings of CHEMCON 2011, organized by MS Ramaih Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 27th - 29th December 2011, p 404 |
Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Grindability Characteristics Of Partially Laterised – Kaolonised – Bauxitic - Khondalite Rocks | Proceedings of Mineral Processing Technology, organized by IMMT, Bhubaneswar, 28-30 th Oct. 2009, p 1-4 |
Ranjita Swain, A. K. Sahoo and R. Bhima Rao | Influence of the static screen inclination on the effective separating size and concentration of beach sand minerals | Mineral Processing Technology, 2006, Allied Publisher, New Delhi, Edt: G. Bhaskara Raju et al, ISBN. 81-8424-012-0, p 537-543. |
Ranjita Swain, NiveditaPattanaik and R.Bhima Rao | High intensity magnetic separation of kaolin clays to produce high brightness clays for use in filler industries | Proceedings of 10th International conference of non ferrous metals, Bhubaneswar, organised by corporate monitor,2006, p sat-3/1-3/4. |
Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Comminution tests required for iron ores: how are they determined. | Proceedings of and Iron making and Coal conference, Bhubaneswar organized by Steel and Metallurgy Mines and Minerals Reporter, 23rd and 24th June 2006, p 9-14. |
Ranjita Swain | Investment opportunities in china clay mining sectors of Oissa | Proceedings of All India seminar on Investment opportunities in mining sector of India by 2020 AD, problems and prospects, IEI, Orissa state center, 25-26th, December, 2006,p 57-60. |
Ranjita Swain | Comminution in iron ore plants: theory and practices | Proceedings of Seminar on Ferro alloys and Stainless Steel – Opportunities, Prospects and Challenges, published by steel and metallurgy, Kolkata, Oct. 2005, p1-6 |
Ranjita Swain | Preparation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy Sodium Salt | Proceedings of All India seminar on Technology update in mineral and chemical based industries, Edt. Nutan Kumar Dash, IEI, Orissa state center ,2005, p 73-76. |
Ranjita Swain and JyostnaraniMahanta | Technology advancement on utilization of fly ash | Proceedings of 3rd annual workshop on Flyash and its application and 8th annual convension of ISTE - Orissa section, Edt. Dhanada. K. Mishra, Published by J.I.T.M. Paralakhemundi, 28th January 2006,p 46-49. |
Name of the Author(s) | Title of the paper | Name of Journal |
GVRKNSS Sarma, Ranjita Swain and R. Bhima Rao | Beneficiation studies on Chiria iron ore | 4th International iron and steel making conference during 27 and 28 June, 2008, Bhubaneswar. |
S.M.Ali, C. B.Misra, SunitaRoutray, Ranjita Swain and R.Bhima Rao | Energy from new uranium ore deposits of Orissa | All India Seminar On Advances Renewable Energy Technology, Bhubaneswar,20-21 September,2008, p 42-44, Edt IEI, Orissa State Center, Bhubaneswar. |
Ranjita Swain and A. C. Mohanty | Coal – Indian energy: four decades status. | Proceedings of Iron making and Coal conference, Bhubaneswar organized by Steel and Metallurgy Mines and Minerals Reporter, 23rd and 24th June 2006. |
Ranjta Swain | An approach to prepare techno economic feasibility report for iron ore industries | Proceedings Of All – India Seminar On Strategy For Iron Ore Resource Development – Upto 2020 Ad, Bhubaneswar 18 – 19th March 2008. |
SL No | Authors | Title of the paper | Month | Year | Source Title |
1 | Sunita Routray, Ranjita Swain , Rudra Narayan Mohapatro , Biswa R. Patra, Sonil Nanda , Ajay K. Dalai | A brief overview of biomethane production from anaerobic digestion of solid wastes | MARCH | 2024 | Emerging Biofuels |
2 | Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Biswa R. Patra | Socio-Economic and Techno-Economic Aspects of Biomethane and Biohydrogen | JUNE | 2022 | Biomethane |
3 | Biswa R.Patra , Rudra N. Mohapatro , Sunita Routray , Ranjita Swain , Sonil Nanda , Ajay K. Dalai | Thermochemical conversion of organic waste: New horizons for production of green energy | MARCH | 2022 | Innovations in Thermochemical Technologies for Biofuel Processing |
4 | Debarpita Ghosal,Sonali Sengupta,Jayanta Kr. Basu | Study of H-ZSM-5 coated silicon carbide ceramic foam in Toluene methylation | JAN | 2020 | Top 5 contributions in Chemistry |
5 | Debarpita Ghosal,Dipak Jadhav | E-waste derived material for microbial electrolysis cell: A perspective on synchronized waste management and energy recovery | AUG | 2020 | Bioremediation and nutrients and other valuable products recovery( 1st edition) |
6 | Debarpita Ghosal,Dipak Jadhav | E-waste derived material for usage in Microbial Electrolysis Cell ( MEC): A perspective on synchronized waste management and green energy ( Chapter-7) | NOV | 2020 | Bioremediation and Nutrients and Other Valuable Products Recovery |
7 | D Jadhav,A.D.Chendake,Debarpita Ghosal | Advanced Microbial Fuel Cell for biosensor applications to detect quality parameter of pollutants | NOV | 2020 | Bioremediation and Nutrients and Other Valuable Products Recovery |
8 | Ranjita Swain,Sunita Routray,R. Bhima Rao | Novel Technology on Recovery of Ceramic Materials from Partially Lateritised Khondalite Rocks-A Bauxite Mining Waste | SEPT | 2020 | Advances in Production and Industrial Engineering |
9 | Sunita Routray,Ranjita Swain,R. Bhima Rao | A Study on Heavy Mineral Distribution Pattern Along Brahmagiri Coast of Odisha, India and Its Beneficiation to Recover Industrial Minerals | SEPT | 2020 | Advances in Production and Industrial Engineering |
10 | Deepak Jadhav,Debarpita Ghosal,A D Chandake,S Pandit, T K Sajana | Plant Microbial Fuel Cell as a Biomass Conversion Technology for Sustainable Development | APRIL | 2021 | Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainability |
11 | Rudra Narayan Mohapatro,Ranjita Swain ,SunitaRoutray,PrabhakarSethi | Design of a Binary Distillation Column to Increase the Naphthalene Yield in Tar Distillation Plant of a Steel Plant | JULY | 2023 | Evolutionary Manufacturing, Design and Operational Practices for Resource and Environmental Sustainability |
12 | Ranjita Swain,Babli Varsha,Rudra Narayan Mohapatro,Sunita Routray | A review on Lithium Extraction from Bauxite and its residue | DEC | 2023 | lithium and rare earth of India |
Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Babli Varsha | SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANO-POROUS MATERIAL GENERATED FROM WASTE DUMPED DURING MINING | 2024 | 202331017696 | 4/25/2024 | INDIA | GRANTED |
Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro | METHOD FOR EXTRACTING CURCUMIN FROM TURMERIC SAMPLE | 2021 | 202131056767 A | 31/12/2021 | INDIA | Published |
Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray | METHOD FOR RECOVERING VALUE-ADDED MATERIAL FROM MINING WASTE FOR TILE INDUSTRY | 2021 | 202131056770 A | 31/12/2021 | INDIA | Published |
Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Babli Varsha | METHOD FOR RECOVERING VALUE-ADDED MATERIAL FROM MINING WASTE USING BIOLEACHING PROCESS | 2021 | 202131056907 A | 31/12/2021 | INDIA | Published |
Sunita Routray, Ranjita Swain, Rupambika Mohanty | METHOD FOR PREPARING SYNTHETIC ZIRCON FOR THERMAL BARRIER COATING | 2021 | 202131058211 A | 31/12/2021 | INDIA | Published |
Sunita Routray, Ranjita Swain | AN ECOFRIENDLY PRECIPITATED SILICA MANUFACTURING METHOD FROM WASTE MATERIALS | 2021 | 202131059301 A | 31/12/2021 | INDIA | Published |
- Best paper award received on 22nd January 2006 by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa state Center (Application of static screens in the screening of bulk materials containing very fine size kaolin clay)
- Best paper award received on 30th January 2007 by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa state Center (A new engineering approach to air cyclone for classification and concentration of beach sand minerals)
- Merit certificate received by the Steel and metallurgy and Mines and minerals reporter at Bhubaneswar on28 June, 2008 during4th International conference on iron and steel making
- Er. Sankarsan Jena Memorial Award for Best paper award by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa State Centre in 2009 (Characterisation of Partially Lateritised Khondalite rock for value-added materials)
- Merit certificate received by the CHEMCON 2011 at MS Ramaih Institute of Technology, Bangalore on27th – 29th December, 2011.
- Abel Wolman Memorial award by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa State Centre in 2013 (Computer Applications to Assess-City Municipal Solid Wastes for Better Utilisation)
- Er. DamodarSahoo Memorial Award for Best paper by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa State Centre in 2015 (An Innovative Approach on Generation of Microhydro Power Using an Indigenous Lab Scale Archimedes Screws )
- Er. U R R Patnaik Memorial Award for Best paper by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa State Centre in 2015 (Judicial Compositions of Stone Waste and Fly Ash for Economic Housing)
- Institutional Award for Best paper received on 14th February 2016 by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa state Center (Computer Aided Design in Engineering)
- Er. J. N. Panda Memorial Award for Best paper received on 19th February 2017 by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa state Center (Flowsheet development for generation of mineral water).
- Er. Pratap Chandra Panda Memorial Award for the best paper on 21st January 2018 Institution of Engineers India, Orissa state Center (Studies on optimization of some parameters on leaching of iron from bauxite mining waste rocks for industrialization).
- Er. Bipin Bihari Mohanty Memorial Award for the best paper on 30th March 2019 Institution of Engineers India, Orissa state Center (Preparation and characterization of zirconia nano materials recovered from Brahmagiri beach sand zircon minerals).
- Institutional Award for Best paper received on 24 th & 25 th June, 2020 by the Institution of Engineers India, Orissa state Center (Recovery of High Purity Graphite from Graphite from Graphite ORE of Raigarh Odisha.)
SL No | Authors | Title of the paper | Month | Year | Source Title |
1 | Sunita Routray, Ranjita Swain and Rudra Narayan Mahapatro | Studies on Recovery of Industrial Heavy Minerals from Lean Deposits of Brahmagiri Coast of Odisha, India | MAY | 2019 | Materials Science Forum |
2 | Sunita Routray,Rudra Narayan Mohapatro,Babli Varsha,Pratap Pattnaik | Application of Bioleaching to Recover Value-Added Product from partially Laterised Khondalite Rocks: A Bauxite Mining Waste | FEB | 2022 | Institution of Engineers (India) |
3 | Rudra Narayan Mohapatro . Ranjita Swain . Sunita Routray . Biswa Ranjan Patra . Prabhakar Sethi | Separation Efficiency Optimisation of Toluene–Benzene Fraction using Binary Distillation Column | FEB | 2021 | Institution of Engineers (India) |
4 | Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray and Satyabrata Mohanta | Recovery of Valuable Materials from Bauxite Mining Waste for Industrial Application | FEB | 2020 | |
5 | Sunita Routray , Vishal Agarwal , Ranjita Swain and Rudra Narayan Mohapatro | Preparation and Evaluation of PCMs by Macro Encapsulation for Solar Energy Storage | 2019 | Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering, 2019, | |
6 | Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Biswa R. Patra, Babli Varsha, Satyabrata Mohanta | Optimizing the leaching process parameters to yield valuable materials from partially lateralized khondalite rock for industrial application | JUNE | 2024 | Chemical Papers |
7 | Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Satyabrata Mohanta, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Anjani R.K. Gollakota | Recovery of filler material from mining waste:Techno-economic, and kinetic study | MARCH | 2024 | Process Safety and Environmental Protection |
8 | Rudra Narayan Mohapatro , Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray , Krushna Prasad Shadangi *Satyabrata Mohanta , Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Anjani R.K. Gollakota | Recovery of filler material from mining waste: Techno-economic, and kinetic study | JAN | 2024 | Process Safety and Environmental Protection |
9 | Sunita Routray ,Ranjita Swain | Effect of Chemical Additives on Reduction in Mill Power During Continuous Grinding of Chromite Overburden Materials in a Tumbling Mill: A Case Study | APRIL | 2019 | J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D |
10 | Kamaljit Singh Sokhal,Dasaroju Gangacharyulu,Vijaya Kumar Bulasara | Effect of Reynolds number and concentration of biopolymer (gum Arabic) on drag reduction of turbulent flow in circular pipe | FEB | 2019 | International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering |
11 | Soumya Ranjan Sahoo,Aratrika Ghosh,Sri Chandan Mishra | Preparation of Activated Carbon from Fish Scale | APRIL | 2019 | International journal of Advanced Research and Development |
12 | Debarpita Ghosal,Sankhajit Pal | Non-conventional desulphurization of fuels and biofuels: A review | DEC | 2019 | Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering |
13 | Debarpita Ghosal,D Kissan Achary,Sandil Nayak,Bikash Kumar | Application of Molybdenum -ZSM-5 for catalytic oxidation of waste water containing methylene blue | JUNE | 2020 | Current Organocatalysis |
14 | Debarpita Ghosal,Vivek Kumar Singh | Study of the removal of safranine O-dye from waste water using waste derived biosorbent | APRIL | 2020 | Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering |
15 | Debarpita Ghosal,D Kishan Achary,Sandil nayak | Utilization and management of waste generated material | 2020 | Environmnetal Sustainability( Springer) | |
16 | Sunita Routray,Ranjita Swain,Rupambika Mohanty | RECOVERY OF HIGH PURITY GRAPHITE FROM GRAPHITE ORE OF RAIGARH ODISHA | JUNE | 2020 | 61st Technical Annual Session, IEI |
17 | Anup Kundu,Debarpita Ghosal | Influence of Flow Pulsation and bluffbody on flow induced Elastic plate deformation | AUG | 2020 | IEEE Xplore |
18 | Sunita Routray,Rupambika Mohanty,Ranjita Swain,Silani Sahu & B. R. Mishra | Preparation and Characterisation of Zirconia Nano-materials Prepared From Zircon Minerals of Brahmagiri Coast | JAN | 2021 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E |
19 | Sunita Routray,Raghupatruni Bhimarao,Ranjita Swain | An Approach to Set Up a Mobile Commercial Mineral Separation Plant for Recovery of Additional Values from Beach Sand Mineral Separation Plant Tailings | FEB | 2021 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D |
20 | Debarpita Ghosal,Rajdeep Kaur,Deepak Jadhav | Utilization and Management of Waste Derived Material for Sustainable Energy Production: A mini review | MAY | 2021 | Academia Letters |
SL No | Authors | Title of the paper | Year |
1 | Aditya Narayan Panda, Anubhab Sahu, Hari Om, Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro | Preliminary Study on Characterization of Lithium from Lithomarge of Bauxite Resources | 2024 |
2 | Prithwiraj Majee, Palak, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Muhammad Hauwa | Effectively Mitigating Water Fluoridation Through the Utilization of Tamarind Fruit Seed Cover and Deeds | 2024 |
3 | Anup Kundu,Lorina Swain,Sumit Kumar, Debarpita Ghosal, | Numerical investigation of mass transfer coefficient of CO2 absorption in a mini | 2021 |
FDP Organized
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Green Technology & Waste Management: The era of Advance Manufacturing & Circular Economy”from 23/11/2021 to 27/11/2021 at C.V.RAMAN GLOBAL UNIVERSITY.
- International Conference on Renewable Energy Integration into Smart Grids : A Multidisciplinary Approach to Technology Modelling and Simulation (ICREISG-2019), to be held at C.V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar during 14th -15th February-2020.
FDP Attended
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Green Technology & Sustainability Engineering” Duration-22.5 hours, 19-01-2021 to 23-01-2021/ AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP at Gautam Buddha University, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Green Technology & Sustainability Engineering”
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Mining & Mineral Processing: Advances in Technology & Sustainable Challenges” from 14/12/2021 to 18/12/2021 at C V Raman Global University.
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Waste Technology”, Duration-22.5 hours, 21-12-2020 to 25-12-2020/ AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP at C.V.Raman Global University, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Waste Technology”.
- ATAL FDP certification on 3D PRINTING DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY at C.V. RAMAN GLOBAL UNIVERSITY, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 11/12/2023 to 16/12/2023.
- AUTOCADCertificate Course Conducted by Central Tool room and Training center, Govt of India, Bhubaneswar, 29-08-2023 to 11-09-2023.
- International Conference Proceedings on Sustainable Green Chemical Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities , CHEM-TECHNOVA 2024, ISBN: 978-81-19757-00-8 Paper Title : “Effectively Mitigating Water Fluoridation Through the Utilization of Tamarind Fruit Seed Cover and seeds”, PrithwirajMajee, Palak, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Muhammad Hauwa, page 86, OP-117, Organized by Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur, Published by :Bharti Publications, 21st -23rd March 2024 (Online Mode).
- National seminar on “Recent Trends in Energy & Fuel production Technologies, RTEFPT- 2024” Organised by VSSUT, Burla, Paper Title : “Removal of Fluoride from Contaminated water by harnessing the potential of tamarind fruit seeds and covers”, PrithwirajMajee, Palak, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro*, Ranjita Swain, Muhammad Hauwa , 24th -25th Feb 2024 (Online Mode)
- International Conference Proceedings on Sustainable Green Chemical Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities , CHEM-TECHNOVA 2024, ISBN: 978-81-19757-00-8 , Paper Title:Preliminary Study on Characterization of Lithium from Lithomarge of Bauxite Resources, Aditya Narayan Panda, AnubhabSahu, Hari Om, Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro page 86, OP-106, Organized by Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur, Published by : Bharti Publications, 21st -23rd March 2024 (Online Mode)
- National seminar on “Recent Trends in Energy & Fuel production Technologies, RTEFPT- 2024” Organised by VSSUT, Burla, “Removal of Fluoride from Paper Title : “Exploratory investigation into the characterization of lithium derived from lithomarge within bauxite deposits”, Hari Om, Aditya Narayan Panda, Ranjita Swain, Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, AnubhabSahu, 24th -25th Feb 2024 (Online Mode)
- Comprehensive Online Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), i-Hub, 6th July – 14th Sept 2020, i-Hub Gujarat
- Smart materials and systems: Emerging research Areas/ online, AICTE, 2nd Nov’- 7th Nov’ 2020, STTP-AICTE
- Procesing,characterisation and modelling of smart materials and systems, AICTE,18th Jan’-23rd Jan 2021,STTP-AICTE
- Online teaching learning tools and pedagogies, FICCI, 18-08-2020, FICCI Future.
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Expert Faculty

Dr. Ranjita Mohanty
Associate Professor,HOD

Dr Debarpita Ghosal
Assistant Professor