As the world gears up to achieve its sustainable coexistence goals in step with the earth’s climate, engineers have a great role to play in it. As engineers are behind every machine, man made development and process that can directly or indirectly impact the environment, it is through greater climate conscious ness that engineers in 2021 can design machines and work processes in such a way that instead of having an adverse effect on our environment, they have a positive impact and move towards a cleaner and more conserved environment.
The past decade might be the decade of pollution and damage that made us aware of the negative impacts that human activity can have on the environment and cause the clock of climate change ticking. The newer decade is one of conscious effort towards resolving the most pressing issues of climate change so that earth’s climate is conserved and the human race can coexist in the biosphere for a longer period of time.
As a premier institution of engineering that trains the next generation of engineers through technical knowledge and practical skills, CV Raman Global University recognises the role it has to play to prepare the next generation of engineers that are adept at not only creating advanced machinery and services for mankind but take a conscious step of positivity for the climate with their innovations.
Among engineers, chemical engineers have been working in the field of climate change mitigation through various ways. This is because chemical engineers are associated with a varied number of fields, from fuel, food, industry to medicines and can make a better impact on today’s climate.
Chemical engineering associates with the utilization of sciences like chemistry, biology, mathematics and other common sciences to engineering so that it can have a positive effect on production cycles and design. It centres around utilizing the most secure and most effective approaches to make commercial items. Chemical engineering might be applied to any item that includes synthetic compounds or chemical reactions, including food, medication, and cosmetics and makeup.
A chemical engineer centres his occupation around making modern and customer items through synthetic techniques. Chemical engineers help plan the synthesis of the item itself, like the general production measures and modern assembling techniques.
CV Raman Global University offers B Tech and M Tech in Chemical engineering that prepares the freshers as leading professionals of the field. As chemical engineers, the engineers understand that it is not only a responsibility to help the mankind with their services but also to help nature heal with their work.
Chemical engineers plan the assembling of items through synthetic procedures. They conclude how to make the production cycle safe, which response pathway to utilize, how to finish the production of the item, how to diminish, treat, and discard of the item without any side-effects, how to manage unreacted crude materials, and how to make the cycle cost and energy-proficient. They likewise devise better than ever chemical production cycles.
Some plan and assess the industrial machinery and plan its format to advance cycles, so that the production scale is admissible by industrial safety guidelines. They decide the demand and how to meet with cost efficient and waste minimizing production cycles, and perform tests to screen conditions all through the cycle. They may likewise estimate and observe the industrial gear for substance plants. Some chemical engineers have practical experience in specific production cycles or enterprises, for example, nanotechnology or making plastics. They frequently work with different kind of professionals, for example, mechanical engineers, to make and improve modern industrial production systems.
Chemical engineers are helping address the energy emergency by helping industries harness different sources of energy. In any event, when dealing with more ordinary customer items they devise producing measures that require less energy. They likewise help make energy harnessing procedures as environment friendly as it could be expected under the circumstances, and take out as much waste as possible. That being said, they choose the most secure approach to treat and discard wastes produced from the harnessing procedure.
Chemical engineers address the various climate concerns that are raised due to industrial processes and daily lifestyle of people. They create trend setting innovations, checking gadgets, displaying procedures, and working techniques that reduce the volume and harmful effects of environmental pollutants that enter the air, streams, and soil.
The chemical engineers significantly decrease the negative ecological effect of mechanical set ups, power plants, and transportation vehicles; and permit more noteworthy reuse of post-purchaser and post-industrial waste streams.
Chemical engineers have consistently been at the sharp edge of natural conservation by planning complex solutions for our vexing ecological challenges.
A considerable lot of the innovations that battle pollution and ecological contamination were made by chemical engineers. On account of new production cycles, more post-consumption wastes are being reused and commercial items are being reprocessed. The outcome is cleaner water and air. Chemical engineers have consistently been at the cutting edge of ecological fortification. With an interesting viewpoint that rides between both science and engineering, they work in groups with different industrial experts to arrive at useful solutions for the public that agree with the welfare of our environment.
Here are a few ways that chemical engineers are making a positive impact on the climate by introducing sustainable innovations in the most common areas of human life-
- Bringing around energy efficiency and fuel conservation-
It is a harsh truth that the exhaustible fuel resources are getting depleted and will soon be over of we do not take steps towards fuel conservation. Another side of it is that the burning of non-renewable sources of energy is forming pollutants that harm the environment by polluting the air, water and soil. By working on cleaner fuels and devising energy efficient processes to be put to work in daily life, chemical engineers reduce the impact of pollutants on the environment and also conserve fuel. By planning more effective motors that produce less perilous emissions, they have decreased the ecological effect of fuel and diesel-controlled vehicles, transports, and trucks. Vehicles, trucks, and public transports are fundamental for transportation and cargo conveyance around the globe. Nonetheless, the fumes from the fuel and diesel-controlled motors needed to drive these vehicles has been a significant reason for air pollution.
Chemical engineers, working with researchers and different engineers, have caused planned approaches to reduce the measure of pollution delivered by oil inferred, fuel-consuming motors. By planning modified vehicular engines with more proficient fuel-and pollution management frameworks, catalytic converters that remove pollutants found in fumes emitted, and Advanced oil refining strategies that produce cleaner fuels for consumption, chemical engineers help in effective use of fuels while reducing the pollution resulting from them.
Another way chemical engineer help diminish vehicular air pollution is through cutting edge oil refining strategies. One model is hydrotreatment, which utilizes hydrogen gas and an impetus to create gas and diesel fuel with fundamentally lower levels of sulphur and lead.
These strategies have made it conceivable to deliver reformulated fuels that work as successfully as conventional sources of fuels, while delivering less pollution levels.
- Use of renewable sources of energy-
Apart from using traditional sources of fuel in a cleaner way, chemical engineers are trying to tap into renewable sources of energy to invest in alternative energy exploitation. The switch to renewable energy sources is possible due to chemical engineers as they devise the process to harness the sources and the judicious use of the energy harnessed from them. Whether it is solar power harnessing through Photo voltaic cells or the use of wind to create electricity, the process of their harnessing is devised by a chemical engineer. From processing cleaner sources of fuel like Compressed Natural Gas to transforming renewable ubiquitous sources of energy, the chemical engineers are useful in the effort to reduce the impact of energy misuse on the climate.
- Reducing Industrial air pollution-
Not only vehicular pollution, industrial air pollution is also a cause of concern for climate activists. The emission of air pollutants like CO2, CO, SO2, NO2 are responsible for not only increasing the carbon footprint of countries but also gives rise to phenomenon like acid rain which is a direct impact of climate change and can have a great adverse impact on life and lifestyle on earth. SO2 and NO2 react with water to make corrosive fluids, which thus lead to corrosive downpour. Corrosive acid rain harms vehicles and structures, slaughters trees, dislodges the pH level of lakes and streams, having an adverse effect on the aquatic life living in them and prompts respiratory and other medical issues in animals, birds and humans.
Chemical engineers created flue gas desulfurization (FGD), presently a broadly utilized strategy for lessening corrosive gases in emitted industrial residues. FGD works by utilizing a wet scrubber spray tower in the vent or smokestack. During activity, corrosive gases are changed over to unreactive and harmless salts, which are then separated from the final emissions.
Answers for NO2 outflows incorporate selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems that convert NO2 discharges to innocuous nitrogen gas and water.
Through the thinking and ingenuity of skilled chemical engineers, wet scrubbers, SCR frameworks, and other pollution control advancements have essentially diminished the measure of SO2, NO2, and other unsafe discharges being delivered into the air.
- Clean water sources-
While much has been said about air pollution, water pollution also remains a major issue when we talk about climate change. The discharge of industrial wastes and domestic wastes into water has polluted natural water sources and has been a reason for contamination of water that has made them unfit to use. Chemical engineers not only work to clean these water sources but also treating wastewater in an effective way so that they are harmless when discharged into natural reservoirs. With overgrowth of populace on the charts and massive scale industrial development, the requirement for savvy water purification processes and wastewater-treatment technology has gotten more pressing than any other time. Chemical engineering standards are utilized to eliminate destructive toxins from both crude source water and polluted wastewater. Modern-day treatment of crude water sources or polluted wastewater utilizes a wide cluster of physical, chemical, and natural techniques.
With all these processes devised, chemical engineers work at all fronts to curb the effect of pollution and triggers of climate change. With the advancement in technology and science, chemical engineers are becoming more skilled and equipped to battle the concerns of climate change and save the world.