Shri Sanjib Kumar Rout

                President, CGU

President's Message

Our longstanding commitment to academic excellence compels us to provide nothing but the very best in infrastructure, education and global learning. Our campus offers a stimulating environment that makes way for discoveries and makes our students independent thinkers and doers.

We offer a range of international opportunities to students through our collaborations across the globe. We teach a wide range of subjects in Science, Engineering, Computer Application, Agriculture and Management. Above all, we prepare our students to lead with responsibility unafraid to forge new paths to create the right impact.

About CGU International

The International Education Cell of CGU is managed by a dynamic and devoted team of members who are familiar with the International Education System and are up-to-date about the global sociocultural outreach scenario. They look after the diverse modalities of international education pertaining to admission schemes, scholarships, student exchanges, dual degrees, short-term &long-term study abroad programmes and global collaborations.
We aim to offer our students a diversity of experiences and give them exposure to global learning environments to enrich their academic journey. A global perspective on learning and exchange partnerships together help us create the perfect study-away experience for students.